Hi there, I have a strange behaviour: my process engine should start a new process instance each night at 20:30 on workdays. I’m using spring boot, and the cycle is read from a property:
When I set this property in my application.yaml file to
cron-start: 0 22 10 ? * MON-FRI
a new process instance is started a couple of seconds after 10:22 o’clock. But that’s not the correct time, it should not be started before 20:30 . When I changed this property to
cron-start: 0 30 20 ? * MON-FRI
no new process instance was started. The fact that the instance was started during day time proves that no other settings concerning job scheduling was forgotten. Has anybody an idea?
To re-inforce the re-evaluation of the spring property seemed me to be quite too complicated. As I had pointed out there, I took a different approach: I used Spring’s