Translate/transform Camunda 8 diagram to camunda 7

Hello, I have the following diagram and I need to translate it to camunda 7, is there an easy way to do it, or do I have to recreate it all over again?
spadvalle-bpmn.bpmn (617.0 KB)

What is Camunda 8 specific about it?

Hello @Daniel_Perilla ,

for a quick’n’dirty solution, just adjust the definitions attributes modeler:executionPlatform=“Camunda Platform” and modeler:ExecutionPlatformVersion=“7.18.0” and the modeler will load the model as Camunda 7 model. Adjustments like expressions etc. would require manual adjustment.

Currently, we are working on the opposite way of migration. Now I wonder why you would like to “downgrade” it?


Currently, we are working on the opposite way of migration. Now I wonder why you would like to “downgrade” it?

Consider this scenario: You are using Camunda 7 in production because you haven’t migrated to 8 yet. Now, someone designs a BPMN but accidentally does it for Camunda 8. You would now want to downgrade the BPMN so that you can use it in your environment.

Hello @c.keimel ,

you can follow the proposed solution in the first place.

The assumption is that someone would not accidently implement the whole process without noticing the properies panel looks different.
