Trigger to the restart event

Who can help me to understand how the trigger works in BPM? Example: We have a light bulb that turns red or blue, we need a red color to click on the button. But it’s always blue, as long as it’s blue you write the metric to a notepad and do other processes, but at any moment it can turn red, how to specify it in the schema to correctly interrupt current processes.

Hi @V_Star,

there is always multiple ways of modelling a scenario in BPMN.
However, you model has some syntactical issues. I would recommend, to use the event based gateway with two conditional events ('light green", “light red”) instead of the parallel gateway and the signal event.

I also recommend to use the formally correct end-event to complete your process, currently you are using an intermediate event-symbol.


Thank you very much for your reply, please send an example of implementation

I need to create an intermediate trigger that will be used in other processes, interrupting the process and starting from the beginning

Hi @V_Star,

sorry for the late reply I was OOO. There are significant semantic mistakes in your process. Unfortunately consulting you on BPMN usage and developing a valid process model for your use case exceeds what I can do for you here.
However, you can find learning material on how to properly apply BPMN here, if you want to get more serious Camunda also offers trainings or consulting services.

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