Turn off all Linting in Desktop Modeler 5.30.0

Hello all,

First post here, if I’m missing something crucial let me know:)

In preparation for my custom lint rules, I am trying to disable any default errors/warnings. I am using the camunda/camunda-modeler-custom-linter-rules-plugin with no changes so far. The preconfigured rule “noManualTasks” works just fine.

Next, I emptied the .bpmnlintrc (no extends, no rules), which should, from my understanding disable all warnings and errors. I have no global .bpmnlintrc file or another plugin with one.

As expected, the rules from bpmnlint:recommended as well as the plugin-rule noManualTask are gone.
However, I still get several error messages concerning sendTasks without a Task definition type and sequence flows needing a defined condition expression - which leads me to believe they are implemented somewhere else.

Any help or tips on ignoring those?

Cheers and happy holidays,