Two Springboot Camunda Applications in same DB & Schema (Oracle)


I have two different Spring Boot applications that have to connect to the same Oracle DB Schema but the two apps have to be completely isolated one from each other, meaning that they should have different Camunda Tables.
I haven’t found a way to generate the default camunda tables with different names (by adding a prefix). I get uniqueness violation exception even tho I set the table-prefix to something else.
Is there a way to solve this, or should I create each app in a different DB schema?

Best regards,

Hi @nmanitaras

I realize this may not be very helpful, but:

  • I am not sure this is possible (prefixing the tables)
  • I am pretty sure I would not do it. Is it really a big problem to add a new schema to the Oracle DB?


The only solution I found was to perform the following steps for one of the Apps:

  1. Disable automatic Camunda Table creation
  2. Add table prefix configuration in application.yml
  3. Download the Camunda Table SQL scripts, add the prefix to all Table/Indexes and manually execute the scripts.

After all, I decided to create a new DB Schema to avoid all this mess :smiley:

Sounds like a good plan :slight_smile:


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