Unable to access camunda rest-engine in Spring-boot application

Hi ,
@yana.vasileva @system

I created a Spring-boot enabled camunda-application , which is running exceptionally well .
PS : I used camunda-docs for creating the application : Get started with Camunda and the Spring Boot | docs.camunda.org

But , when I try to access the rest-engine , it shows a 404 error .

My engine URL : http://localhost:8080/loan/service/rest/engine/

My question :
Does camunda-engine require any further modifications / setup ?

Hi @Arsh_Baghel,

Could you please share your pom.xml

Best regards,Yana

Sure ,

This link contains the pom.xml

Hi @Arsh_Baghel,

You need to either include camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter-rest dependency to your pom or you can use the webapps rest (just check one of the calls in Cockpit).

Best regards,

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I have included " camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter-rest" in my pom … @line40


I am sorry, I didn’t see it.
I tried and it is working for me with http://localhost:8080/rest/engine
Could you double check your URL. What is your URL of the Camunda welcome page? (I assume that the webapps are working on your side)

Hi ,
This is the URL for the welcome page :

I am getting 500 error when i hit , http://localhost:8080/loan/rest/engine

Could you please upload the server log file also


This link contains the error page that i get…

Thanks for the trace.
How do you deploy the application?
I found this bug report and it seems that it is related

Now ,I am using the work-around given at :

It is working fine …

But i think that issue is still open …

I am using →

import javax.ws.rs.ApplicationPath;

import org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.rest.CamundaJerseyResourceConfig;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class RESTConfig extends CamundaJerseyResourceConfig{


Then , when i hit it :

Yep, the issue is still not resolved.

Hi @yana.vasileva ,
I create " maven build - package "
and deploy WAR file to the server .