Unable to deploy BPMN file via web modeler on zebee 8.4.3

Hi All
I’m Unable to deploy bpmn files into cluster on SaaS V8.4.3 getting 403 forbidden error ,even i have developer role .

error details:
HTTP status code 403
invalid content-type: text/html
headers: Metadata(:status=403,date=Mon, 08 Apr 2024 11:13:20 GMT,content-type=text/html,strict-transport-security=max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains,content-length=146)

403 Forbidden

403 Forbidden

nginx [ deploy-error ]


Hi @Ramesh
How do you authenticate yourself in the cluster(have you setup a client and get a token)? Were you able to deploy the BPMN files before version 8.4.3?


yes i have created one cluster -->API-> Client credentials
Before 8.4.3 i haven’t tried , because we are stated using directly this version
after generating client details , do i need to any configuration ? @Alex_Voloshyn

You must get an access token using your client credentials using your client credentials.

More details: Cloud Console API clients (REST) | Camunda 8 Docs

Yes i created client credentials and got token as well but still getting same issue
somewhere I’m missing some configuration . Do i need to any configuration web modeler ?
when i click on deploy cluster shows health only

Could you share the exact REST call you are making including all details(just remove or hide the token value)?

@Ramesh please also share the rest call that you use to get the token(remove or hide client_secret and client_id)