Unable to Execute UI Path Connector


I am currently using SaaS offering of Camunda 8.
I have a very simple model where I am trying to invoke the job on the UI Path side using the UI Path connector.

Process digram attached (with client id and secret being invalidated with random text.)
quick-start-api-orchestration.bpmn (7.0 KB)

I see the below response:

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: io.camunda.connector.api.error.ConnectorException: 400 Bad Request

POST https://cloud.uipath.com/identity_/connect/token


at io.camunda.connector.runtime.outbound.jobhandling.SpringConnectorJobHandler.failJob(SpringConnectorJobHandler.java:80)

at io.camunda.connector.runtime.core.outbound.ConnectorJobHandler.handle(ConnectorJobHandler.java:118)

at io.camunda.connector.runtime.outbound.jobhandling.SpringConnectorJ...

Below is what I can see as being sent in the authentication part of the request (invalidated client id and secret for the post here with random text)

> {"clientId":"ededds6b4a2-2730-4b2b-aecf-27a505758","oauthTokenEndpoint":"https://cloud.uipath.com/identity_/connect/token","scopes":"OR.Queues","clientAuthentication":"basicAuthHeader","clientSecret":"eddFMHPQ4sDHG7q7","type":"oauth-client-credentials-flow"}

Request Body:


Headers: (invalidated OrganizationUnitId with random text for the post here)

{“Content-Type”: “application/json”,“X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId”: “4344222”}

Operation Type:


Can you pls help me understand why this is failing ?

Hi @hari_kiran

Could you please check whether your UiPath client is authorized to manipulate queues?

You could also check whether request is passing via postman.