Do you want to say Json value need to be serialized before sending? Because I can see same type received camunda engine side. And as I have added spin dependency it should process out.
Can you please provide me some example or link for the same for more clarification.
I tried this test project with my camunda engine spring boot project but still with your customer data I am getting Unsupported value type ‘Json’ Exception.
Am I missing some configuration? Attaching my configuration application.txt (1.3 KB)
Your type should be Json and the value should be the serialized JSON.
This however only works if Spin is correctly configured with your Spring Boot application.
You mentioned that camunda-engine-plugin-spin and camunda-spin-dataformat-json-jackson are part of your application dependencies. The exception message you are receiving however rather points to Spin not being on your classpath and therefore not loaded in your application.
Maybe you can show a little bit more from your pom.xml?
It should explicitly contain both dependencies mentioned.
I used your POM together with the sources from our official Spring Boot Camunda Webapps example and that works totally fine.
Any specific configuration we should know about (application.yml and configuration classes)?
Can you detect something like the following lines in your log?
INFO 8396 --- [main] org.camunda.spin : SPIN-01011 Discovered Spin data format configurator: class org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.spin.CamundaJacksonFormatConfiguratorJSR310[dataformat = org.camunda.spin.impl.json.jackson.format.JacksonJsonDataFormat]
INFO 8396 --- [main] org.camunda.spin : SPIN-01011 Discovered Spin data format configurator: class org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.spin.CamundaJacksonFormatConfiguratorParameterNames[dataformat = org.camunda.spin.impl.json.jackson.format.JacksonJsonDataFormat]
INFO 8396 --- [main] org.camunda.spin : SPIN-01011 Discovered Spin data format configurator: class org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.spin.CamundaJacksonFormatConfiguratorJdk8[dataformat = org.camunda.spin.impl.json.jackson.format.JacksonJsonDataFormat]
INFO 8396 --- [main] org.camunda.spin : SPIN-01009 Discovered Spin data format: org.camunda.spin.impl.json.jackson.format.JacksonJsonDataFormat[name = application/json]
I’m afraid you will have to provide a minimal project ZIP that reliably reproduces this problem, otherwise it is going to be hard to detect what is going wrong in your case here.
I just deleted my repository. And created it again.
Now it’s picking up json with
“workerId”: “Akku”,
“variables”: {
“additionalJsonInfoObject”: {
“value”: “{ “project”: “test”, “region”: “test” }”,
“type”: “Json”
Seems library wasn’t getting added in classpath somehow.
Thanks everyone for your kind support.