Update process definition via REST Api

As many other users, I’d like to update process definitions via the REST Api.
I thought it could be possible to use /deployment/{id}/redeploy and/or /deployment/create endpoints.
But after reading again and again the API doc and checking all my tests, it seems that the only way to redeploy is to update the war file itself in Tomcat.
Since this operation requires sysadmin rights (in most companies), it is not easy to update the process definitions for the workflow designers

Could you confirm this behavior ?
Can we expect a evolution of the reployment system in the future ?


I just checked it against a clean installation using REST-API endpoint /deployment/create and it works like a charm. Please check the screenshot: It shows the second of two calls. The calls were identical except the process model bpmn-file. As you can see, the engine automatically created version 2 of my process “test”.

Does this answer your question or did I get you wrong?

Kind regards,

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Thanks for answer.

In my tests, I didn’t receive the deployedProcessDefinitions node (nor all the deployed* nodes).
(I’m using last v7.7)
That’s why I didn’t saw/understand the versioning…
After checking cockpit, I see now all versions are listed as separated entries (and not only the last one like I thought, or a filter for last version only).

Your help is appreciated and I can go forward with versioning.


ps : you have set enable-duplicate-filtering:true . not false ?
I don’t understand why a new version is created ; the doc says it should return the last version with the same key.

The REST API doc says:
This allows you to check if a deployment with the same name and the same resouces...

In my case, I changed my model (I just added an activity) and, hence, I have different resources and a new version is created.

ok I understand !
Perfect ! :yum: