Updated - Generated Python client

Dear python fellows,

Since Camunda platform 7.15 the openapi specifies a few more wonderful endpoints such as DecisionDefinition.Evaluate.

I published an updated version of the generic-camunda-client which is based on the newest 7.15 openapi from Camunda platform. It also works with platform 7.14, as long as the endpoints are compatible (which they seem to be).

You find the package at pypi: generic-camunda-client · PyPI

The module is nothing fancy, but it saves you time since you don’t need to generate the client yourself. Simply install it by

pip install generic-camunda-client

Full documentation of the client: https://noordsestern.gitlab.io/camunda-client-for-python/7-15-0/README.html



CamundaLibrary is a neat wrapper on top of this generic-camunda-client and offers a small intuitive subset of functions dealing with Camunda platform:

Simply install it with: pip install robotframework-camunda

If you miss endpoints, you can request a feature or contribute a pull request to robotframework-camunda :

Hello Noordsestern, how did you learn Camunda? I am trying to learn it with Python, any suggestion?

Hi @Josesosa0777 ,

Good question… :thinking:

I believe, I remember spending an evening with a cold :beer: watching tutorials from Niall and his parrot conquering ancient Europe or something.

I actually believe it was this tutorial and then implemented endpoints from REST API documentation in python.



Thanks, @Noordsestern :grinning:


Good to know @Noordsestern - I should add to the description which beer should be paired with which tutorial video :clinking_glasses: :slight_smile:

For the Rest API video… perhaps a nice session IPA? :laughing: