Upgrading a zeebe cluster and skipping minor versions

Niall: Hey folks,
Just out curiosity - it’s a possible to upgrade a zeebe cluster from lets say 1.2.1 to 1.3.1 in one go or would someone need to run all upgrades in-between?

Nicolas: Yes, you can usually skip patch versions, just not minor versions.

Niall: Super! thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Jakob: Perhaps that info would be helpful here? - https://docs.camunda.io/docs/guides/update-guide/introduction/

Felix Müller (Camunda): Like the idea - @Niall would you like to open an issue here: https://github.com/camunda-cloud/camunda-cloud-documentation ? Then we could directly add this to the docs

Niall: Yup

Niall: In all it’s glory:

Felix Müller (Camunda): You are awesome! THank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Note: This post was generated by Slack Archivist from a conversation in the Zeebe Slack, a source of valuable discussions on Zeebe (get an invite). Someone in the Slack thought this was worth sharing!

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Gerrit Schelter: We just upgraded our Zeebe cluster from 1.0.1 directly to 1.3.2
It seems to work, could this cause any problems?

Nicolas: It can cause problems, as we do run some migrations on the state, and we only test with the previous minor versions. But sometimes it will work, as you’ve just experienced. It’s just safer to not skip minor versions because that’s the process we test (to keep things simple).

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