Usage of Camunda Logo

we are using Camunda as Process-Engine in our own Products.
But i can’t find any licence-descriptions for Camunda Icons and Logos.

We would like to use the Logo as synonym for processes in our dashboards.
Because we are delivering our software to external customers we need to be reakky sure about copyrights of used external images.

Does anyone knows the right source in the licences for this?

Hi @esn-kahl

Good question, i don’t know the answer off hand - but I’ll try to find out.

Hi @esn-kahl

I asked around and be default the camunda icons and logos have copyrights attached and can’t be used without permission.
We tend to grant permission on a case by case basis. If you’d like i can put you in contact with someone who can talk to you about this



Hello @Niall, I also have the same doubt.
Is there any license documentation that I can consult for commercial use of the BPMN Workflow Engine?

Thanks Nial,
i will talk to our product-team and i think we will look for an alternative icon for that.
Otherwise i will contact you for a permission.


@Passarela The Engine itself is free for commercial use, if you use the community version. See:

That’s what we actually do, also.


Indeed - using the engine is perfectly fine :slight_smile: