a few days ago I have opened following topic where I have had problems getting the jobexecutor working.
After that is solved, I have the problem, if a UserTask is reached, for everyone two entries in ACT_RU_TASK will be created and so the task twice times exist.
8a11f99b-cb0c-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 |1 |8a115d54-cb0c-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 |89cb2d7d-cb0c-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 |Process_X:2:4cd339c3-cb0b-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 | | | |Beschreibung zu DoFirst | | |Task_DoFirst | | | |50 |2018-10-08 17:12:15 | | |1 | |
8a1247c1-cb0c-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 |1 |8a11ab75-cb0c-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 |89cb2d7d-cb0c-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 |Process_X:2:4cd339c3-cb0b-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 | | | |Beschreibung zu DoFirst | | |Task_DoFirst | | | |50 |2018-10-08 17:12:15 | | |1 | |
d62aae37-cb0b-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 |1 |d62a3902-cb0b-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 |d5a3cad7-cb0b-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 |Process_X:2:4cd339c3-cb0b-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 | | | |Beschreibung zu DoSecond | | |Task_DoSecond | | | |50 |2018-10-08 17:07:13 | | |1 | |
d62afc5b-cb0b-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 |1 |d62a6013-cb0b-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 |d5a3cad7-cb0b-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 |Process_X:2:4cd339c3-cb0b-11e8-8ac6-6a6d1698cb21 | | | |Beschreibung zu DoSecond | | |Task_DoSecond | | | |50 |2018-10-08 17:07:13 | | |1 | |
I have actually no idea to find out, what the problem is. The Service Tasks were only one time executed. My underlying database is a MariaDB 10.2 with disabled “batch Processing” flag in a docker container. It is the same issue using MariaDB 10.0.
It would be nice, if someone has a tipp for me. Thanks!
- Same issue using latest supported Postgresql 9.6
- Also same issue, when no async flag (without job executor) is set
- Beside my process I have deployed a simple process with one userTask. When an instance is started, only one UserTask instance exists. Hmm, that means, that something is wrong with my process. I think I will create a new one to verify that…