While modelling my process, I assinged a pool incorrect and now the activities are linke to the pool/lane. When I try to undo or delete the pool all process elements that are linke are also deleted. Is there any way to “disconnect” the pool?
Not to shamelessly self promote, but we just created a plugin that steps around the swimlanes issue by highlighting the 'who’s doing what" issue by highlighting the Candidate groups, if they exist, over the name of the User Tasks who are doing it. It sorta looks like this.
- It’s free
- It works for C7 and C8
- We’re happy to entertain feedback
- You can find it below
Also, to answer your question: I’m assuming that you’re on C8 and the web modeler. Sadly, this is a known bug. The only way I’ve ever gotten around has been to hack the XML, or export to the desktop modeler, remove the swimlane there, and the load it back up again.
The work around was posted in the other thread…Delete pool/lanes