Using Spring Boot Camunda engine and storing BPMN process files with code repository

I am using Spring Boot to run the Camunda engine. I have seen that bpmn files added to the resources folder gets deployed automatically.

I want to use the resources folder to persist my BPMN files with the code so that whenever I update or add a new BPMN file then that gets deployed automatically at the time of deployment.

First I observed that bpmn file is getting deployed with every start of the Spring boot Application and the version for that process was incrementing. But I realize that it is happening only if I re-save the bpmn file or make small changes (even though there is no actual change in the process). I hope my guess is correct and the same file will not get deployed every time with a new version. Please confirm this.

Another question is; if I use a MySQL DB and run 2 instances of my Spring Boot Camunda service (connected to the same MYSQL DB) then there will not be any race condition for deploying the same bpmn from both instances. I hope only one version will get deployed. Please confirm this.

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Hi @Himanshu_Singh,

That is correct. While deploying (every restart), the engine compares the bpmn file with content of the database by String.equals(). In case of a difference a new version is created. And also a change in the coordiates of elements on the canvas are part of the BPMN file. In case of more than one BPMN file in your project, by default a change in a single diagram will increase the version for all process definitions. It can be controlled with isDeployChangedOnly: Process Archive Configuration |

You can check the details here: Deployments |

Hope this helps, Ingo

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Thanks, Richtsmeier!
That is really useful information.
I hope to make isDeployChangedOnly true is ok and suggested in case we have multiple bpmn files.

I am struggling to make it work. I have tried the below processes.xml file

<process-archive name="embedded-camunda-process">
        <property name="isDeployChangedOnly">true</property>

I have put this in “src/main/resources/META-INF/”, but it is not working. I can see that making changes to one bpmn file is actually updating the versions for other non-changed bpmn files.

Hi @Himanshu_Singh,

it depends if you use the @EnableProcessApplication("anyName").

If yes, this processes.xml should work:


      <property name="isDeployChangedOnly">true</property>


If not, (you use the Spring Auto deployment) you can set it in the application.yml:

        deployChangedOnly: true

Hope this helps, Ingo


Setting the property in the application.yml worked perfectly.