Using Tasklist REST API in Camunda Cloud

Hi Experts,

How can I get the HTTP verb + URL path?

Hey @Jenneffer_Jiminit!
Where is your tasklist running? In the SaaS Platform or is it self-managed?
If it runs locally you would use smth. like https://localhost:8080


I’m using Saas Platform.

Apparently I only have an outdated trial. Hence, I cannot take a look myself. But I think you can use the provided API in your cluster information.

Hi Thomas,

My Tasklist URL stated in cluster information is as follow:

I can access the Tasklist API when I use GraphQL but when I use REST it seems like the status response was 400 Bad Request.

Here is how I access the Tasklist API using REST:

Is this the correct way to do it? Any feedback from experts highly appreciated.

Thank you,

Hm… :thinking:
Can you try out this endpoint?

Since you want to use REST and not GraphQL the /graphql does not seem necessary to me.
You’re welcome. Hopefully it works now!

I got this when I try to run the endpoint at Postman. The status was OK, but it return like this.

I expected some json data as a response.

Hi @Jenneffer_Jiminit,
you can find an example Postman Collection with some additional documentation here: Postman

Hope this helps,

Hi Jens,

thanks for the Postman reference. I have no issues with Tasklist API using GraphQL. But since it will deprecated in the near future, I’m aiming to use REST API to interact with Tasklist which I have an issue as stated on previous comment. Using Tasklist REST API in Camunda Cloud - #7 by Jenneffer_Jiminit

@Jenneffer_Jiminit I tried to reproduce the issue Today, but without success on my cluster. Just to double-check, Tasklist Rest API are available after 8.2.0, I assume that your cluster is currently on 8.2.2, can you please confirm?

Hi @marcosgvieira, It’s working after I upgraded my cluster to 8.2.2. Thanks!