My question is simple, what symbols are allowed/not allowed to use in variable names?
I mean things like <">, <->, <.>, <:>, <?> and so on.
If some can post the regular expression that validates variable names, that would be perfect.
for the naming convention of variables different constraints come into play, e.g., as we use a saxparser to parse a process definition within an xml file (see the xml charencoding here) and one can reference variables within an expression (see the JUEL spec here). However, you should be save as long as you stick with the naming conventions of Java variables (see here). Though there is no guarantee that this works, as I have just tested that briefly.
I don’t know in which language you want to have the regular expression, but in java it could look like follows:
public boolean isValidVariableName(String str){
return str.matches("^[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*");
Again no guarantee that this works without any flaws. Hope that still helps though