Value too long text varchar (4000)

Hi everyone.
I have a problem.
I’m trying send a value from a textarea.
When I press the “Complete” button in a user task, I get the following error:
“value too long for column text_ varchar (4000)”
I know what it means. I am trying to serialize that string in a listener, but it is executed right after pressing the button. So I have two solutions in mind, but I can’t do anything:

  1. Create or change the “” database with all Text varchar (4000) to Text varchar (5000)
  2. Call the listener just before the Complete button and try to continue the process.

Looking for this error, I have already tried all the solutions in these thread:

Thank you for helping.
Best regards.

For a similar issue, we split up the contents before submission and stored into multiple variables. But it’s sort of a workaround

Well, I think it’s a good idea. But how can I do it just before the submission?

When using embedded forms, in the javascript on submit event, write a logic to split and create/modify your custom variables. Didn’t use ‘cam-variable-name’ since it would create/modify a Camunda variable when submitting and you still will end up with the same issue

First of all, thanks for helping.
I didn’t mention that I use the “default” send button that Camunda provided us. So, I tried calling that function but it didn’t work.
Here is my form structure:

<script type="text/javascript" >
        function split(){

<form name="formularioSolicitante" onsubmit="split()">

I too use the default ‘Complete’ button Camunda provides which is shown for embedded forms.

I used something like,

<form role="form">
------------ Your form elements go here ----------------
<script cam-script type="text/form-script">
camForm.on('submit', function(evt)
 ------- Your code to access content of textfield, split and assign to variables 

Access the value of text area userCommentsField using


Setting existing variables

camForm.variableManager.variableValue(‘VariableName’, $scope.Variable);

Creating a String variable

camForm.variableManager.createVariable({name: ‘VariableName’,type: ‘String’,value: $scope.Variable ,isDirty: true});

Hi @acaballegn,

if you wrap your String into an Object variable, it will be stored as a blob independent of the length. Have a look here:

Hope this helps, Ingo

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I have tried both solutions and I find the same error. The object I get is empty. To get the value, I use the following line:
var signScope = $scope.sign
I don’t know if it’s null because this value is self-generated and I don’t write it manually.