Variable Comparison in Gateway

I am trying to make a small work on Camunda 8. I have one dmn file and one process. Before the end of the process I want to compare two variables and I want to continue the process according to that. But in the last gateway there is an error accours. What are my mistakes, can you show me?

market-bpmn-diagram (2).bpmn (7.9 KB)
market-dmn-diagram.dmn (5.8 KB)

Hi and welcome to the forum.
On the outgoing sequence flows, you have to define conditions that evaluate to true, if the flow is to be taken.
On one flow you define the condition as “false”, which means it’ll never be taken.
The condition “if discount<price then true else false” should just be “discount < price” and one the other flow could then be the default flow or the condition should be “discount >= price”.