VersionTag for DMN broken in Modeler v3.7.0 onwards

Whilst the “Version Tag” field exists on the general tab of the UI for the DMN modeler, it is not persisted in the XML.

The same seems to be true for the “Id” field on the general tab.

Version 3.6.0 seems to be the last version that saves and reloads these properties correctly.

Thanks for reporting this - the modeler team are looking into it.

In which View do you try to update the version tag or the id inside the Properties Panel? In the DRD view or inside a decision table?

Both Id and Version Tag on the Decision Table properties panel itself - the Version Tag attribute doesn’t exist at the DRD level. I should also note that this is on a Mac (just tried on the latest 3.7.2 version)

So that seems to be related to a bug we got recently reported:

Thanks for sharing, we will have a look at this!

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By the way, the current Camunda Modeler v4-alpha.1 release doesn’t have this problem (but comes with breaking changes in DMN modeling of course):

Thanks Niklas. One of our “challenges” is that we have a product in Production currently running on Spring Boot 2.0.6 and to go past Camunda 7.10.0 will require an upgrade to Spring Boot 2.1.x. We’re obviously going to have to do this at some point, but it’s going to require a big testing effort on our part as we have > 40 interacting microservices so would rather defer that until we really have to, as well as having the confidence that some of the issues we’ve seen (and raised here) with the Camunda VersionTag implementation in general are solved. Rather than using VersionTag we are starting to use a strategy of naming the models consistently with a version post fixed to the name/Id (i.e. MyModel_V5.1) - a bit clunky but does have other advantages over the VersionTag in that it’s a lot easier to start a specific version of a process/dmn via the Camunda UI tasklist console for testing.