Web Modeler Api Refuses application/json

Hello Camunda Community,

I’m currently facing an issue while setting up a web modeler application (to access the web modeler rest api) in Identity on our self-managed Camunda 8 cluster (Type M2M).

I have followed the documentation provided here: Documentation to ensure that the web modeler application has the appropriate permissions.

I have no issue retrieving a JWT access token.

My issue arises when I try to make any request to the web-modeler API. I have verified that I’m using the correct client_id, client_secret, grant_type, and audience. However, I consistently encounter one of two errors:

  1. When using application/json as the Content-Type, I receive the error: “Content-Type ‘application/json’ is not supported.” Status Unsupported Media Type

  2. When omitting the Content-Type header or attempting to use x-www-form-urlencoded, I get the error: “Content-Type is missing from the request.” Status Unsupported Media Type

I have thoroughly reviewed my setup and configuration, but I can’t seem to resolve these issues. Any assistance or guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,
Kristoffer Högberg

Hi @kristofferph - my first thought that it’s related to networking (proxy, firewall, etc.) rather than Web Modeler. How do you have the ingress configured? Do calls to other REST APIs (such as Operate or Tasklist) work correctly?

Hi @nathan.loding, thank you for your response!

I have not had the chance to verify the ingress configuration yet, but I will get in touch with the person responsible for our networking to investigate this aspect.

Regarding your second question, I can confirm that calls to Operate, Tasklist, and Optimize APIs are functioning correctly.

I will look in to your suggestions a bit more thoroughly as mentioned and will update this thread with my findings.


Kristoffer Högberg

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