Webhook Intermediate Catch Event in the middle of the workflow

I am doing a POC on using webhook intermediate catch event to wait for a callback.
Though the process is waiting for the callback and the callback gives http status code 200 but my process is not resuming.

  • Correlation key is added
  • Activation condition is successful
  • Id is unique

Attaching my bpmn diagram

webhook_wait_process(2).bpmn (10.0 KB)

Input body via postman
“id”: 3,
“time”: 2000,
“count_”: 200,

Connnector Version - 8.3.3-rc1

@jonathan.lukas FYI

Hi @Aliakbar_Nathani - I haven’t tested, but I’m wondering if the trailing underscore in the correlation key might be causing an issue. What if you rename count_ to count (or something that is just alpha characters) and test again?

Any Solution to this I am Facing the Same Problem
ID Card.bpmn (18.7 KB)


@MohitSinghSolanki-A - please open a new topic with your question, and include as many details as you can. What version of Zeebe, SaaS or Self Managed, what is the request you are sending to the webhook, what is the response from the webhook, etc.