What all versions of Elasticsearch are supported with Zeebe Elasticsearch exporter?


What all versions of Elasticsearch are supported with Zeebe Elasticsearch exporter?
(I could find this compatibility matrix anywhere. Any link will be helpful)

Can we use AWS managed Opensearch which is based on Elasticsearch 7.10.2?


From Supported environments | Camunda Cloud Docs


  • Elasticsearch 7.8.0+, 7.9.0+, 7.10.0+, 7.11.0+, 7.12.0+, 7.13.0+, 7.14.0+, 7.15.0+, 7.16.2+
  • Any minor version above the ones listed in the previous point is likely to be supported as well, but this hasn’t been tested. For this reason, Camunda doesn’t give any warranty.
  • Any major version smaller or greater than ElasticSearch 7 will be rejected by Optimize. For example, Optimize won’t work with ElasticSearch 6.X or 8.X.
  • For the supported versions mentioned before, the Elasticsearch community as well as any professional version is supported. However, bear in mind that the professional edition comes with additional safety features that allow you to secure Elasticsearch. If you use the community edition, securing Elasticsearch needs to be done manually.

About your question regarding Opensearch:
It is probably difficult to use the default exporter for this due to how AWS authentication works by signing every request.
Additionally, there’s no real built in way with the Zeebe exporter to do this - your best bet for now would be to extend the exporter yourself and implement the authentication required.

So concluded: You might be able to get it work but it won’t be something officially supported. :slight_smile:


See also this post: Using Zeebe with OpenSearch instead of Elastic?