What is significance of "Variable Event" configuration in Camunda Modeler?


If i have a condition as “#{interrupt}” that means, this condition evaluates to true if interrupt variable value is true.

So, if i give the Variable Event in Modeler as “delete” , How is it going to work?


Hi @sindhu_veladi,

can you share a screenshot of what you have configured in the Camunda Modeler? And can you explain a bit more what you mean by setting the “variable event” to “delete”?


Thanks for your reply.

I have following process:

The condition is evaluated to true if “interrupt” variable value is true. So my doubt is , what is the role of Variable Event here ?

Am just exploring Conditional Events and want to understand what is the use of Variable events. What are the possible values that can be given - like update/create/delete.

While Update is understood, what is role of create and delete and is the condition evaluated and also if variable event is satisfied then the conditional event is evaluated to true? or is it just that If the condition in the expression evaluates to true, regardless of the variable event the conditional event is Evaluated to true?

And Also, I read in documentation that we can set variable value from outside .
Where can we write the code to change variable value as mentioned in the link? is This for delegation class implementation/external implementation for any of the previous tasks?


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Hi @sindhu_veladi,

now I understand your question, from your first post I didn’t recognize that you were talking about conditional events :grinning:

have a look at this section of the documentation.

There the usage of variable name and variable event is explained as:

To prevent the continuous evaluation of a condition, the evaluation can be restricted to specific variable changes. For that, the Camunda extension attributes camunda:variableName and camunda:variableEvents can be used.

That means, that by default the expression of this event is always evaluated when any of the process variables in the process change. With variable name and variable event you can additionally limit this behaviour. Then the condition will only be evaluated if a special change happens to the variable that you specified. So in your example this means, that the expression “#{interrupt}” is only evaluated if the process variable “interrupt” is “deleted”.

Hope this helps.
