May 25, 2017, 10:03am
Hi, dev of camunda, if i create a deployment by rest api like this(based on rest assured):
when this rest operation called, i could find bpmn and dmn resources in database tables, but i want to know, where the two html forms be saved by camunda engine? and how to refer to its correct path by bpmn?
May 26, 2017, 1:35am
Thanks, StephenOTT, after i change “embedded:app” to “embedded:deployment”, then the process start works well.
But question is i still do not understand where the deployed html forms be stored? in db or some dir in container server?
As I understand it: stored in the db as a blob in the deployment. Same as any other file that is part of a deployment.
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Have a look at the table ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY
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May 26, 2017, 7:16am
cool, it is right over there, many thanks, throben