Where is the routing in Tomcat/Camunda server?

Hello Camunda team and users !

I was wondering, I need to know where the routing logic is located in the official camunda BPM image that includes a tomcat server (image for camunda 7.7), because I need to check if it works correctly. I work in Continuous integration with jenkins, and it generates services prefixes from pull request names. The problem could come from bad settings in CI tools we use, but I need to check what is the piece of code that takes me on the Camunda welcome page.

Thank you and have a good day

Hi pvermeil,

I’m not sure if I’ve understood you right. The redirect from /camunda to /camunda/app/welcome is performed in server/apache-tomcat-8.0.24/webapps/camunda/index.html.


So webapps is a www directory equivalent in PHP web servers ? No special routing stuff, I have just to type the name of the subfolder and I’ll be at index.html which contains “welcome” stuff

There is no “active” routing homepage like an index.php could be in a MVC app, right ?