Which nodes should be connected to the Hazelcast Server?

Francesco Salvatore: Hi all, I’m using zeebe 1.3.2 (2 gateway and 3 brokers) and I’m using hazelcast exporter. (http://ghcr.io/camunda-community-hub/zeebe-with-hazelcast-exporter:1.3.2-1.1.1-SNAPSHOT|ghcr.io/camunda-community-hub/zeebe-with-hazelcast-exporter:1.3.2-1.1.1-SNAPSHOT). Which nodes should I connect to the Hazelcast Server? only the gateway?

saig0: The brokers. The Hazelcast exporter runs in the brokers. If you have an external Hazelcast server then the broker must be able to connect to the server.

Francesco Salvatore: I tried with gateways and it works. is wrong?

saig0: Well, the (standalone) gateways are not related to exporters. But if it works :laughing:

Francesco Salvatore: ok :grin:

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