Why does multiple files in the REST deployment need different names?

See Post Deployment | docs.camunda.org

The binary data to create the deployment resource. It is possible to
have more than one form part with different form part names for the
binary data to create a deployment.

I wonder why this is required, this stops you from building a simple form using
<input type="file" name="models" multiple>

as then all files have the same name. Only one is deployed then.

Would this make a feature request or is there some reasoning behind the current design I did not spot?


Hi Bernd,

I think the problem is the filename attribute, which is used to determine the type (bpmn, cmmn, dmn) of the model. If I remember correctly.


I agree with Sebastian. A deployment is basically a map from resource name to resource. The resource name is required for detecting the type of resource based on the suffix.

OK - thanks for the quick respone!