I’m looking into the DMN engine and history capabilities and I am finding that I don’t get a DecisionInstanceId when I evaluate a decision through the REST api. So how can I possibly use the history results in my application to investigate what decisions were made by a particular person or event? Do I just have to keep my own history in the application?
@Niall , do you think you can chime in on this?
If you want to find the history of whats happened with your DMN tables, you need to go the history end point here:
I’m aware of that. However when I run the table, I’m not returned the DecisionInstanceID. So there is no way to correlate actions in the business application with the particular runs of the decision. Unless there is some other way to evaluate the decision and get the DecisionInstanceID returned that I’m missing.
Sorry about that - i misunderstood the question.
Indeed, it looks like if you call the DMN table directly via the REST API you’re going to have a hard time correlating this with history.
Seems like a good feature request - let me look into if this already has a ticket.
I created one yesterday.
Do you have a link to the ticket, i’ll see about discussing it internally.