Why doesn't the task list show the processes?

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I deployed a process and the tasklist does not show the processes
Does anyone know how to explain why?

Hi @Domingos_Dias - in your other forum topic, you said you werenโ€™t able to start any processes. Tasklist wonโ€™t show any tasks until a process has been started and a user task has been executed in that process.

The implemented processes were supposed to be accessible from a button here, at least thatโ€™s how it works in the SAAS environment

Those features are secured using Resource Based Authorizations. You need to enable resource authorizations in Identity, ensure itโ€™s enabled in the Tasklist configuration, then assign the proper permissions to the user(s), and the tabs should appear!

In version 8.3, which is being released next month (and currently has some alpha builds available if you want to experiment), the team has made a change so that those tabs are available if you have Resource-based authorizations disabled. But in 8.2, you need to enable it for those tabs to be visible.

I have already given all possible permissions to the user and the implemented processes still do not appear.

And I also realized now that I canโ€™t see the button to enter the implemented processes, however if I enter the address http://localhost:8082/processes I can access the implemented processes screen

@Domingos_Dias - roles are not the same as Resource Based Authorization. Do you have Resource Based Authorizations enabled in Identity and camunda.tasklist.identity.resourcePermissionsEnabled enabled in your Tasklist deployment, per the documentation I linked?

Your last item - accessing the feature via the URL directly - does appear to be a bug. I will forward that feedback to our engineering team!

How these features function with Resource Based Authorization will be changing with the 8.3 release in the very near future also, so that is something to keep in mind as you decide what the best route forward for your installation will be.