Why isn't my REST connector working?

I’m using a Camunda Self-Managed application and when I use Camunda Modeler Desktop and do all the configuration, my flow gets stuck in my REST connector. How can I get this flow to work?

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Hi @stefanie_borges,

Thank you for trying Camunda :slight_smile: Let me try to help.

It seems that you don’t have the REST Connector in your runtime. How do you start the Camunda Platform? Are you sure you used the connectors-bundle not the simple connectors?



Hi, Jonathan!! THANK U!
Sorry for the delay in responding, I’m using the rest outbound connector in Camunda Modeler Desktop and I start the project through it. Then in my tasklist the zip code data appears and I have to fill it in. I don’t used docker just this two:
“h ttps://signup.camunda.com/self-managed-download”
diagram_3.bpmn (5.8 KB)
form_1.form (820 Bytes)

Do you have access to the logs, especially the Connectors logs?

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Hi Stefanie, I had the very same problem and now is working. When I say now I mean a couple of minutes ago.

The only difference is that I’ve installed the more recent version available for c8run windows (camunda8-run-8.6.5-windows-x86_64.zip)
available in Release 8.6.5 · camunda/camunda · GitHub


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That was exactly it, thank you very much!