i have this approved element inside my embeded form by default on click it should have true value and false value otherwise, i have used Delegate class with output variables, but it seems that i can’t get value of approved, what should i change to get this value and then use it in Exclusive gateway?
If you’re using Activiti it might be better to ask the question on their forum. We can’t be sure that anything built on activiti would run with Camunda.
Then i would suggest sticking with camunda’s own tool chain.
Creating UI with a tool designed for a different engine has a potential for unexpected problems.
Did you try to check the example process that comes with Camunda free?
It´s an invoice process that checks the Exclusive gateway with approved or not.
In that example, they use an external form and they use “Expression” and see only “${approved}” or “${!approved}”. You can check that in the “Modeler”