Dear friends,
I am totally new user.
Is there any possibility how to import an external XML 1.0 file?
Thanks a lot.
Hi @Martin7
Can you explain in a little more detail about this file? do you mean as an attachemnt or as a model?
Hi Niall,
I need to import BPMN model exported as XML 1.0 file done in or Ayoa.
Thanks a lot,
Cawemo and the camunda modeler import any models that adhered to the BPMN standard in terms of XML. We don’t support any proprietor XML descriptions. Maybe upload a model here and i’ll take a look if the XML looks ok
test drawio 1.xml (771 Bytes)
This is an example.
Umm… that doesn’t look pretty. Unfortunatly that’s not going to work in any other tool but
Maybe have a look to see if there is a way to export a complaint BPMN xml model.
This is the only xml export, unfortunately.
Thank you very much for your help done.