Zeebe 0.23.1 cannot export data to elastic search

Recently I tested Zeebe 0.23.1,

Deploy using Linux

Log display

“exporters” : {
“elasticsearch” : {
“jarPath” : null,
“className” : “io.zeebe.exporter.ElasticsearchExporter”,
“args” : null,
“external” : false

However, there is no data in elasticsearch and camunda-operate-0.23.0 cannot be viewed.

Can you help me? Thanks in advance.

The zeebe-broker-0.23.0-alpha2 I used before is usable。

Hey @wenminglei,

could you please provide your application.yml or tell us how you configure your exporter?


Hey @Zelldon,I’m sorry for my late reply.
My configuration uses the default method.
Just added the following.

Hey @wenminglei

I think I need a bit more configuration.

See this example https://docs.zeebe.io/appendix/broker-config-template.html

      # Elasticsearch Exporter ----------
      # An example configuration for the elasticsearch exporter:
      # These setting can also be overridden using the environment variables "ZEEBE_BROKER_EXPORTERS_ELASTICSEARCH_..."
      # elasticsearch:
        # className: io.zeebe.exporter.ElasticsearchExporter
        # args:
        #   url: http://localhost:9200
        #   bulk:
        #     delay: 5
        #     size: 1000
        #   authentication:
        #     username: elastic
        #     password: changeme
        #   index:
        #     prefix: zeebe-record
        #     createTemplate: true
        #     command: false
        #     event: true
        #     rejection: false
        #     deployment: true
        #     error: true
        #     incident: true
        #     job: true
        #     jobBatch: false
        #     message: false
        #     messageSubscription: false
        #     variable: true
        #     variableDocument: true
        #     workflowInstance: true
        #     workflowInstanceCreation: false
        #     workflowInstanceSubscription: false
        #     ignoreVariablesAbove: 32677

I think it is necessary to configure the elastic url.

Hope that helps.


Hey @Zelldon
Your words remind me that my configuration is really wrong.For the latest version of Zeebe, the configuration of ES needs to be added manually. The previous version is the default.
Thank you very much. I feel the warmth of the community all the time!