I wonder how does Zeebe relate to traditional ETL tools like Airflow, Luigi or Prefect?
Unlike Airflow or others, Zeebe does not seem to provide any built-in tools akin to Airflow operators nor can I find any best practices how to deal with things like that: easily encapsulated small operations. I suppose this is by design, and as far as I understand, Zeebe is supposed to only orchestrate workflows and leave the execution to the orchestrated applications.
I’m however wondering how would you do implement Airflow-like operations in Zeebe? Say you want to move files between S3 buckets and your server, or move data between databases. Is there any guidance for this use-case, or is Zeebe even a fit for that? I suppose I could implement all different operations by hand, but that sounds a bit laborious if you can get it “free” from somewhere else. Any tips?
Best regards,