Hi Camunda team,
My camunda engine is not able to process instances quickly…it is taking time too much time to process instances.
these are my configuration:
Zeebe broker: 11 borker, 4gb ram and 2 cpu per broker
zeebe gateway: 3 gateway
elasticsearch: 4 data node and 1 master node (each having 6gb ram)
java client: 4 pods with 4gb each…
i started 5000 instances in 30min and still it is taking time to process. (more than 2 hour)
Average memory usage of zeebe broker and java client is much less than what is given…around 2gb average for both zeebe and java client application.
i have total of 2 job worker and worker.threads=10
worker.maxJobActive=32 and job.pollInterval=PT0.1S
do i need to add anything or make any changes?