Zeebe single-broker restoration to previous good state

Is there an easy way to restore the state in Zeebe (v0.23.1, I know it’s old…) to let’s say, previous state when it was last running successfully? No snapshots available - just wanted to see if I can mess with the files in data folder. No worries if workflow state isn’t all there - just want to avoid re-publishing workflows and re-running them.

The main issue I am having is that the broker doesn’t come up on startup, hangs on this step #7 (out of 11) forever:

2022-11-01 16:21:53.783 [] [main] INFO io.zeebe.broker.system - Bootstrap Broker-0 [7/11]: cluster services

Hi @mostwired

It’s a long shot, but maybe this? GitHub - Zelldon/zdb: Zeebe debug and inspection tool

Clusters and snapshots are the method for dealing with inconsistent state, so a single broker is the single point of failure…
