Hello, I want to modify the TEXT_ field type in the ACT_RU_VARIABLE and ACT_HI_VARINST tables.
I am now modifying it to CLOB and also modifying the mapping file of mybatis, but throwing an exception when I use it.
Result 0: insert into ACT_RU_AUTHORIZATION ( ID_, TYPE_, GROUP_ID_, USER_ID_, RESOURCE_TYPE_, RESOURCE_ID_, PERMS_, REV_ ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1 ) Update counts: [-2]
Result 1: insert into ACT_HI_OP_LOG ( ID_, DEPLOYMENT_ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_, PROC_DEF_KEY_, PROC_INST_ID_, EXECUTION_ID_, CASE_DEF_ID_, CASE_INST_ID_, CASE_EXECUTION_ID_, TASK_ID_, JOB_ID_, JOB_DEF_ID_, BATCH_ID_, USER_ID_, TIMESTAMP_, OPERATION_ID_ , OPERATION_TYPE_, ENTITY_TYPE_, PROPERTY_, ORG_VALUE_, NEW_VALUE_, TENANT_ID_ ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) Update counts: [-2]
Result 2: insert into ACT_HI_IDENTITYLINK ( ID_, TIMESTAMP_, TYPE_, USER_ID_, GROUP_ID_, TASK_ID_, PROC_DEF_ID_, OPERATION_TYPE_, ASSIGNER_ID_, PROC_DEF_KEY_, TENANT_ID_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) Update counts: [-2]
Result 3: update ACT_RU_TASK SET REV_ = ?, NAME_ = ?, PARENT_TASK_ID_ = ?, PRIORITY_ = ?, CREATE_TIME_ = ?, OWNER_ = ?, ASSIGNEE_ = ?, DELEGATION_ = ?, EXECUTION_ID_ = ?, PROC_DEF_ID_ = ?, CASE_EXECUTION_ID_ = ?, CASE_INST_ID_ = ?, CASE_DEF_ID_ = ?, TASK_DEF_KEY_ = ?, DESCRIPTION_ = ?, DUE_DATE_ = ?, FOLLOW_UP_DATE_ = ?, SUSPENSION_STATE_ = ?, TENANT_ID_ = ? where ID_= ? and REV_ = ? Update counts: [-2]
Result 4: UPDATE ACT_HI_ACTINST SET EXECUTION_ID_ = ?, PROC_DEF_KEY_ = ?, PROC_DEF_ID_ = ?, ACT_ID_ = ?, ACT_NAME_ = ?, ACT_TYPE_ = ?, PARENT_ACT_INST_ID_ = ? , ASSIGNEE_ = ? , TASK_ID_ = ? WHERE ID_ = ? Update counts: [-2]
Result 5: update ACT_HI_TASKINST set EXECUTION_ID_ = ?, PROC_DEF_KEY_ = ?, PROC_DEF_ID_ = ?, NAME_ = ?, PARENT_TASK_ID_ = ?, DESCRIPTION_ = ?, OWNER_ = ?, ASSIGNEE_ = ?, DELETE_REASON_ = ?, TASK_DEF_KEY_ = ?, PRIORITY_ = ?, DUE_DATE_ = ?, FOLLOW_UP_DATE_ = ?, CASE_INST_ID_ = ? where ID_ = ? Update counts: [-2]
16:43:15.617 [qtp164052991-29] DEBUG org.camunda.bpm.engine.context - ENGINE-16002 Exception while closing command context: ENGINE-03005 Execution of ‘UPDATE TaskEntity[620725ca-84e6-11e8-8477-30b49e73a8dc]’ failed. Entity was updated by another transaction concurrently.
org.camunda.bpm.engine.OptimisticLockingException: ENGINE-03005 Execution of ‘UPDATE TaskEntity[620725ca-84e6-11e8-8477-30b49e73a8dc]’ failed. Entity was updated by another transaction concurrently.
Use the oracle database.
The attachment is a modified jar。
I don’t know where this is, I hope I can get it, or is there any other way to recommend it.
Thank you!