I have a Business Rule Task (Which uses DMN table) where multiple rules are checked and joins into a Exclusive gateway.
My Doubts:
- Now, do we need to pass or map anything for the SequenceFlow arrows in properties panel?
- Is it possible to pass the multiple outputs from Business Rule Task into a single exclusive gateway where more than 1 conditions are tested? If so, how can we do that? Please share your valuable ideas.
Hi @StephenOTT
Thanks for your reply like a rocket.
Good Job!!! And Its certainly useful for me!!
Meanwhile, is it correct to pass the multiple outputs from Business Rule Task into a single exclusive gateway where more than 1 conditions are tested? Kindly confirm.
You could. What’s your use case for doing this
Hi @StephenOTT
My use case:
For a Person who is registered with an government organization, the user can able to modify the Date of Injury and Date of Permanent Disability.
Now each of these inputs provided by the user will have a separate flow in my system.
For Example:
i) If a member is Permanent Disabled, i have to inform the local COPS and must initiate an activity for applying local govt benefits.
ii) If a member is Permanent Disabled and if the disabled member is from other state, i have to inform the other state COPS.
iii) If a member is injured, i must initiate an activity where government benefits need to be provided to the person.
So to check i,ii,iii i have created a Business Rule task which uses a DMN.
Please check and revert. I have attached also a part of the related screenshot where it is handled and the XML for the same.
XML File.txt (9.3 KB)
So you could set up your DMN to return multiple matches. This would need you to setup the DMN in a way that have one time input but matches multiple rules. See the DMN docs on this.
If you need to send multiple inputs in (running the DMN multiple times and adding up the results) you could wrap your DMN in a sub process, then run the DMN as a multi instance sequential and add the results into a process instance. Then in your gateway logic (which is outside of the sub process/occurs after the multi instance has completed, you can evaluate the variable with the list of results. See the DMN looping pattern i linked to previously.
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Can you provide a design sample of your idea.
Also advice on how to accomplish the above quoted text in modeler. Thanks in advance.
something like the above.
You could also put the Business Rule in a sub-process if you wanted to preform more rules in a BPMN format.
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Thanks @StephenOTT
Now it works for me.