Camunda 8 custom forms not at all possible?

Hi, on Camunda Platform 8 the form builder is quite ok-ish for suuuuuuper-basic forms (inputs, checkboxes, radiobuttons…).

But once my process reaches minimum complexity e.g. I need to fill date fields, file uploads i feel totally lost. On Camunda 7 there were possibilities to define custom form elements with JS.

How is it possible to define those "more complex inputs” e.g. file upload forms, datepickers, dynamic capabilities to add/reduce form elements, etc. with the form builder and e.g. the Desktop modeler using Camunda Platform 8? Documentation is quite superficial in this regard….

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Hello @frankenbrunnen ,

currently, form-js does not support it. You can either drive the open-source project (can be found on github), use another framework that is more established/further developed or create your own custom tasklist webapp.

I hope this helps



Thanks, @jonathan.lukas ,
How can I use other frameworks? If I use other frameworks, does it mean I cannot use tasklist? (I believe I read in the official docs that custom key forms are not rendered in the tasklist.)
And by “drive” the open-source project, which project do you mean?

I kindly ask you to take a look at this thread as well.

Hello @okaeiz ,

as the thread is 2 years old, the information may be deprecated. Please review the form docs for the current state: Overview of Form Elements | Camunda 8 Docs

Camunda Forms are backed by form-js, which is an open-source js framework: GitHub - bpmn-io/form-js: View and visually edit JSON-based forms.

I hope this helps
