I want to get the details of active user task whenever it is created. So,
i have registered a job worker to subscribe to user task by specifying job type as “io.camunda.zeebe:userTask”.
Code snippet:
zeebeClient.newWorker().jobType(“io.camunda.zeebe:userTask”).handler(new UserTaskHandler())
For service task, we have default retries as 3. So, the service task job worker is called 3 times incase if job is not completed.
Similarly, for User task the job worker is called 3 times, if it is not completed by Usertask job worker or it is called only once if the active user task is created?
Hi @Manian_Manoharan
Currently, user tasks are service tasks in disguise. They behave exactly the same. User tasks have their number of retries set to 1
The retry mechanism comes from the job timeout. Timeouts do not lower the number of retries. Only Failing a Job and explicitly Updating the number of retries changes the number of retries.
Hope this helps
Hi @korthout ,
Please correct me if i am wrong.
User task default retries is 1
Service task default reties is 3.
Service task default reties is 3 (can be specified from modeler)
Currently, user task starting retries is 1 (cannot be changed from modeler).