Camunda SpaceTraders Challenge

Hello space pilots. :artificial_satellite:

During our Camunda Hack Days 2023, we created a new community project for you: camunda-space-traders. :tada:

This project allows you to play SpaceTraders on the Camunda 8 stack. :joystick:

SpaceTraders is a programmable fleet-management game played through a headless API. In the game, you can purchase a ship, navigate to an asteroid field, mine ore, sell goods, and deliver goods to fulfill your contract. And this is just the beginning! :rocket:

Do you want to bring your BPMN modeling skills to the next level? Do you like games, space simulations, or puzzles? Are you bored by standard β€œreal-world” examples, like ordering or absence processes? Then, you should take a look. :space_invader:

To make this more fun and engaging, we created a challenge to track your progress on mining resources and fulfilling your first contract. Your progress will be posted on this topic. :checkered_flag:

:arrow_forward: Click HERE to register for the challenge. :arrow_backward:


@Philipp_Ossler registered as agent SG_14 for the Camunda SpaceTraders challenge. :wave: (Next server restart: 2024-02-25T16:00:00.000Z)

Agent SG_14 accepted the first contract to deliver 47 ALUMINUM_ORE. :handshake:

Agent SG_14 mined the first ore of type COPPER_ORE. :pick:

Agent SG_14 arrived at an asteroid field. :rock:

Agent SG_14 purchased the first ship of type EXCAVATOR. :rocket:

Agent SG_14 delivered the first goods 12 ALUMINUM_ORE to the contract. :coin:

Agent SG_14 delivered 18 ALUMINUM_ORE and fulfilled 38% of the contract. :money_with_wings:

Agent SG_14 delivered 18 ALUMINUM_ORE and fulfilled 38% of the contract. :money_with_wings:

Agent SG_14 delivered 36 ALUMINUM_ORE and fulfilled 77% of the contract. :money_with_wings:

Agent SG_14 delivered 36 ALUMINUM_ORE and fulfilled 77% of the contract. :money_with_wings:

Agent SG_14 fulfilled the first contract and delivered 47 ALUMINUM_ORE. :tada:

Agent FREEDOM registered for the Camunda SpaceTraders challenge. :wave: (Next server restart: 2024-02-25T16:00:00.000Z)

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Agent FREEDOM accepted the first contract to deliver 190 ALUMINUM_ORE. :handshake:

Agent FREEDOM arrived at an asteroid field. :rock:

Agent FREEDOM purchased the first ship of type EXCAVATOR. :rocket:

@jangalinski registered as agent JANGALINSKI for the Camunda SpaceTraders challenge. :wave: (Next server restart: 2024-02-25T16:00:00.000Z)

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@jangalinski registered as agent JANGALINSKI for the Camunda SpaceTraders challenge. :wave: (Next server restart: 2024-02-25T16:00:00.000Z)

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@Vasil registered as agent TALKINWHIP for the Camunda SpaceTraders challenge. :wave: (Next server restart: 2024-03-10T16:00:00.000Z)

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