Working through some use cases using http-connector, and noticing that if you do a retrieve a file using http-connector and parse it using groovy with something like:
Am i missing something obvious here? My thoughts that are HTTP-Connector is returning response which is stripping out data when the response is binary data? Or am i just not parsing this correctly?
Perhaps given its a binary response, the sender has base64 encoded the content? I have successfully retrieved images (jpeg) from a camera server using a Camunda connector, however the images were base64 encoded…
But if you use the same script but with this PDF: it does not work… (the PDF downloads and opens, but all the pages are blank)
other interesting result i am seeing if with file overwrite on download: On Safari Mac (latest), when you download the file from Cockpit in the process variable viewer, there are times when the file will overwrite the existing file with the same name, and other times it will create a new file with a incremented number appended (file.pdf, file-2.pdf, file-3.pdf, etc), but not sure whats causing this difference in behaviour…
Ok, apparently the http connector is not really good at handling non-textual responses, as it always transforms them into a String, see
Anyway, if you’re lucky, you can change the invocation response.getBytes() to response.getBytes("utf-8") in your first code snippet and that way recover the binary response. That would also be in line with the explanation given in the stackoverflow post you referenced.
edit: you also don’t need a ByteArrayInputStream.
Edit: Also when you remove the ByteArrayInputStream and just do something like: InputStream stream = response.getBytes("utf-8"), you get a Cast error:
Unable to evaluate script: org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object '[B@1ed57915' with class '[B' to class ''
Oh, I see. I guess then that converting the pdf to String and back is not lossless and I’m afraid there’s not much you can do without fixing the connector.
In order to check my theory, could you write a unit test that loads the failing pdf (independent of Camunda), converts it into a String, then back, and then assert the equality of the binary representation?
It’s weird… cause it seems like it should be lossless because java.lang.String is not encoded to anything, so running getBytes should give the “true” / original data… (at least that was my understanding of how String and getBytes works
create a downloadFile.js file and deploy it along with the above bpmn file.
The downloadFile.js has the following content:
function downloadFile(fileUrl)
with (new JavaImporter(org.jsoup,
var doc = Jsoup.connect(fileUrl)
var bodyStream = doc.bodyStream()
return bodyStream
function saveFile(fileStream, fileName, mimeType)
var file = Java.type('org.camunda.bpm.engine.variable.Variables')
execution.setVariable(fileName, file)
function downloadAndSaveFile(fileUrl, fileName, mimeType)
var file = downloadFile(fileUrl)
saveFile(file, fileName, mimeType)
downloadAndSaveFile('', 'mypdf.pdf', 'application/pdf')
The downloadAndSaveFile() function is a helper function hat saves you some time. and lets you download the file and save it as a Camunda File type all in a single function.