I need to pass a TOKEN to an API accessed via http-connector through HTTP headers ideally.
I can have the token in a variable that should not be a problem.
I’m not sure if the Input/Parameter map will pick my expression first of all:
If does not pick my expression then I will need to add as a GET parameter which is not ideal at all but will probably work. I’m also trying to see how could I configure it in the tool but I don’t see a way to access the I/O mapping of the connector tab from code. I think that now I’m updating the activity IO mapping which is not what I would want.
public void parseServiceTask(Element serviceTaskElement, ScopeImpl scope, ActivityImpl activity) {
if (serviceTaskElement.element("extensionElements") == null ||
serviceTaskElement.element("extensionElements").element("connector") == null)
String connectorInUse = serviceTaskElement.element("extensionElements").element("connector").element("connectorId").getText();
if (connectorInUse.equals("http-connector")) {
TreeMap<String, ParameterValueProvider> tm = new TreeMap<String, ParameterValueProvider>();
tm.put("content-type", new ConstantValueProvider("application/json"));
tm.put("userId", new ConstantValueProvider("${GLOBAL_LAST_ASSIGNE || null}"));
IoMapping mapping = new IoMapping();
mapping.addInputParameter(new InputParameter("headers", new MapValueProvider(tm)));
Basically I want to pass a token automatically to all HTTP calls using the standard HTTP connector.
On worst case scenario if the IO mapping parse the expression… can I modify the serviceTaskElement directly to add my mappings maybe serializing the map to xml manually?
Any help?