Hello everyone ,
I’m looking to customize the WebApp by modifying the HTML, CSS and JS files that define the appearance of the online application.
I’m starting with HTML, CSS and JS.
My question 1: where are the different files located? How do I access them? What is their scope?
Because :
Accessing the HTML file would allow me to retrieve the information needed for CSS customization.
Accessing the CSS file would allow me to customize the Design of the application.
Knowing where Camunda programs the JS events would allow me to customize and create them.
My question 2 : is it possible to customize the application without creating a Maven project next to it and without having to create a Grunt file? Is it possible to customize the application simply by modifying html and CSS files?
If yes how?
For example, I just installed Camunda, and there is no project created using the Camunda examples.
I would like to modify the logo in the webapp right away. So I modify the file …camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.13.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.33\webapps\camunda-app\tasklist\styles\user-styles.css as specified in the documentation.
I launch the server. But nothing, no logo change.
I guess, reading the documentation, I have to do a build with Grunt. So I install NodeJS and Grunt.
Then I run the build from …camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.13.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.33\webapps\camunda\camunda\app but Grunt tells me “Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt”. And indeed, there is no GruntFile.
I stopped there, lost in this maze ^^. Can you please help me ?
Thank you in advance for your help !
Have a nice day