E-Mail notification documentation /tutorial

Hello all,

sorry to bother you about another topic for an E-Mail notification, but is there a documentation about creating an email notification or a tutorial for a java rookie? I found something about the task-assignment: https://github.com/camunda/camunda-bpm-examples/tree/master/usertask/task-assignment-email

Is this still a possible solution or do you know a better way?

Thank you in advance and kind regards

Hi Rainer,

That example is a valid solution. Is it the best way to send emails from Java? I donā€™t know. But if you find a better way, then we can certainly help you integrate it with Camunda :slight_smile:


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Hello Thorben,

thank you for the fast reply. Ok then I will try it with this solution.

I have also some other question. Is there a way to see every task of a process? Maybe I use Camunda wrong, but in the Tasklist I only see the task who should be done next. Even in the ā€˜All Taskā€™ filter in the Tasklist.

Kind regards

Hi @Rainer
What do you mean by ā€œevery task of a processā€?

The purpose of tasklist is to be the workplace for business users where they supposed to see only active tasks to work on them.

Hello @hassang,

the purpose of the tasklist is clear. For a single user there should be only the active task. But I want a task overview in a list. Not only in the bpmn diagram.

Hi @Rainer

If you mean to see historical tasks then, you can either display them inside the form of the active task using camunda APIs
or you can develop a search modal as a tasklist plugin to retrieve historical tasks.

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Hi guys, I opened a new topic with exactly a proposal for a email incident notificator, check it out here E-mail Incident Notification Plugin
