Error in "amount" identifier in the tutorial

Hey, look goods, it worked :slight_smile:
How did you adapt that? In the XML file directly or is there somewhere among the options? Could you show me a bit how?

Also, if you have the time to check this briefly, I would appreciate it:

Best Regards,

Save Point or Transaction Boundaries can be set like this:

In xml representation:

<bpmn:exclusiveGateway id="Gateway_1t818pw" name="Payment Amount?" camunda:asyncBefore="true">

Read more about on Why Asynchronous Continuations is needed?

still, the deployment worked, but when I start the process, I still get an error in the cockpit…

@quetzi, the process expects input for this variable: amount. You can add this field as process variable while starting a process instance.

Hey, yes, I am doing it:

I will add more posts in the thread, as it seems that as a new user, I cannot post more pictures in one post.

Made sure I have the async continuations also checked:

Still it does not work and shows the following error:

And here in more detail:

What do you think?

@quetzi I was able to start the process.

Changes: For expressions use ‘#’ instead of '$'

<bpmn:sequenceFlow id="Flow_0ynzqj4" name="&#62;= 1000 EUR" sourceRef="Gateway_1t818pw" targetRef="Activity_1bna7sl">
      <bpmn:conditionExpression xsi:type="bpmn:tFormalExpression">#{amount &gt;= 1000}</bpmn:conditionExpression>

<bpmn:sequenceFlow id="Flow_1183edw" name="&#60; 1000 €" sourceRef="Gateway_1t818pw" targetRef="ID">
      <bpmn:conditionExpression xsi:type="bpmn:tFormalExpression">#{amount &lt; 1000}</bpmn:conditionExpression>

Deploy this bpmn file and test: payment.bpmn (7.2 KB)

I somehow still get the same error, but now with “#” instead of “$”. I need another solution / the correct way in passing the variable ‘amount’ which I cannot manage to find quickly somehow. I followed al the steps of the training but still I think something is not entirely right.

This is the one that you sent me, which I did not modify at all, it throws the same error

@quetzi did you deployed the BPMN mentioned in this post?


Still, it did not work

Any idea on how to solve the issue?

This is how I do it already

@quetzi it’s a simple process flow and i don’t see any issues in executing this process flow. It might be your bpmn model/application setup issues. Are you referring right bpmn file which i uploaded last time?

Yes, this is the file I refer to. Yes, maybe it is a set-up thing.