I’ve deployed my process in Modeler and I’ve been trying to start a new process instance by making a POST request in a REST client (Postman) according to the steps described here:
My issue is that when I click on my 1st task in Tasklist, it doesn’t load my task form and I 'm always taking this message:
I tried to redeploy my process and start a new process instance with the previous way described in Docs (via Eclipse) and I managed to load my 1st user task form in Tasklist.
So, does anyone know which is the issue with the new described way (on starting a new process instance) here? https://docs.camunda.org/get-started/quick-start/deploy/#start-a-process-instance
Thanks for your feedback.
Yes, I 've taken into account of course those information in Docs.
As, I just answered to @some-camunda-user here, I’ve defined this embedded form as embedded:app:forms/FORM_NAME.html at the Form Key in Modeler.
@steftriant, Excellent thanks, having a look at the invoice example. I was under the impression that the forms could just be deployed as a separate web app or static html but I see it should be a Process Application, is that correct?
Deploy it as part of a war process application where you refer to your form as “embedded:app:forms/FORM_NAME.html”
Or you could deploy your bpmn model & html form files through rest api as part of the same deployment where you refer to your form as “embedded:deployment:forms/FORM_NAME.html”
I can deploy my embedded html task form only with the previously described way in Camunda Docs (I can’t find those information now there but I still remember the way through Eclipse).
My process deployment was also successful through deploy button of Modeler but for some reason I couldn’t start a new process instance as described here: https://docs.camunda.org/get-started/quick-start/deploy/
In other words the engine couldn’t load my embedded html task form in Tasklist
When you choose the 2nd option,
The deployed form should be referenced as embedded:deployment:FORM_NAME.html
If you have a java spring application and you want to use embedded forms, make sure to have the following annotations in your main class: @SpringBootApplication @EnableProcessApplication
I had the error message " Form failure: The context path is either empty or not defined" and the @EnableProcessApplication solved my problem.
I forgot in my project to add extends SpringBootProcessApplication to the Spring application, that lead to the problem that I could not remove the @EnableProcessApplication.
So if you just use: @SpringBootApplication
public class ExampleApplication extends SpringBootProcessApplication {
public static void main(String[] args){