the reference is done by process-ID alone, which can be set manually, ok so far. As far as I see the modeller does not help to avoid (e.g. point them out or something) duplicate IDs. Might that be a feature request?
Now I understand one answer I found while browsing the forum referencing a “Workspace addition” to camunda modeler. (Incorporation of Workspace). Is the answer (“not planned”) still valid?
This isn’t and probably won’t be implemented in the desktop modeler. Mainly because this is a developer tool and so it only matters that a process can be found in runtime, not in design time. For instance if you wanted to call a process that is deployed to the engine but is not in your workspace this is possible.
But the good news is that it’s available in cawemo - our web modeler.
This specifically a design tool so it has collaboration and workspace oriented features that you might want to use.